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Dying Matters – And this is why 

By Cherry Williams, huunuu 
Dying Matters Awareness week is a national initiative that runs in May each year, and it would be understandable if you thought that this is something that would not apply to you or your organisation. 

Our mission is to educate people and organisations that thinking about death and dying is essential to living a full and happy life. 

This year from the 2-6 May, huunuu alongside many organisations across the UK will take part and encourage the national conversation on these sensitive and often difficult subjects. Organised by Hospice UK, the campaign offers the opportunity to begin to open up as a society. 

Each year there is a theme, and 2022 builds on last year’s ‘in a good place to die,’ and asks if you think you are. On a superficial level, we may answer with an emphatic ‘yes’ or ‘no!’ But delve a little deeper and you begin to understand that there are many practicalities to consider when it comes to death and dying. There are Wills, PPCs, PPDs, ACPs, LPAs – lots of acronyms for important considerations. 

Covid has left an overwhelming legacy and this national, worldwide grief, not only impacts but needs to be addressed by responsible employers. We are all trying to navigate tricky waters, and many of us are wrestling with anxiety and poor mental health. We have a social care crisis that is impacting heavily on those in need and care workers. Many haven’t received the emotional and practical support needed during the last few years. There is much to be discussed! 

And, whilst you are reading this you may feel that this isn’t relevant to you right now, but it really is. None of us know when our loved ones or when we ourselves will take our final bow, but stealing the march and becoming prepared can go a long way in alleviating the stress that comes with dying. 

Talking about death isn’t as challenging as you might expect, it can be incredibly life-affirming and cathartic. There is satisfaction in getting your affairs in order – we know this first hand. When we watch and listen to people playing our conversation cards or participating in one of our workmat sessions we hear laughter, we witness connections and conversations. This is a powerful first step, making you think, plan and hopefully share with others, about how you want to fill your time – however much of it you have left. It can really focus the mind. 

huunuu will be running workshops throughout the week and joining with our friends, Dying Matters in Essex https://dyingmattersinessex.org.uk/ to enable a broad reach of offerings. We’ll be posting updates on our social media pages: 

We will also be asking ourselves as a team, what being in a good place to die means for us and sharing on huunuu.com https://huunuu.com/blog/ 

To find out more, you can visit Hospice UK’s website: https://www.hospiceuk.org/our-campaigns/dying-matters/dying-matters-awareness-week 

Find out more about working with huunuu and how to book a session for your team on our business page: https://www.huunuuforbusiness.com/home 


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