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MPs reveal ‘shocking’ increase in workplace pregnancy discrimination…

In conclusion of its recent report into the rising discrimination of pregnant women and new mothers in the workplace, the Women and Equalities Committee is urging the government to take radical action and publish an ‘ambitious, detailed plan’ within the next two years, or face the prospect of more pregnant women and mothers being forced to quit employment.

Findings detailed in the ‘Pregnancy and maternity discrimination’ research indicates the number of females forced to exit the world of work has doubled in the past 10 years to approximately 54,000; and suggests more than 10 per cent of new mothers and pregnant women were either pinpointed to take compulsory redundancy, dismissed by their employer or subsequently left due to poor treatment.

Recommendations made in the report include; increasing the time limit regarding the launch of a maternity or pregnancy discrimination case to six months instead of three; as well as ensuring all employers introduce solid and clear targets.

Read the full report here



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