This is an experiential Team Building day where participants work as a team to try to influence a herd of horses. It is designed to uncover the non-verbal communication, body language and energy in your team, that will be affecting team dynamics, behaviour and performance.
Why horses?
Horses have evolved over 50 million years to exist together harmoniously. They achieve this by being highly aware and by communicating with each other in a way that is clear, authentic and non-judgemental. If we want to be able to influence a horse, motivate them to perform and ensure they feel understood and respected, your team must embody these qualities!
Why is this so valuable for teams?
This is a profound shared experience your Teams will never forget. It gives them an opportunity to practice self-awareness, empathy and authenticity, and witness in the moment the effect this has on their ability to collaborate, communicate and perform together as a cohesive unit.
Find out More
To find out more about the Team Dynamics programme, you can download a programme brochure to see a sample itinerary, testimonials and pricing, read a case study or visit our website below.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Download Team Building Brochure here
Read Team Building Case Study here