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COMPLIMENTARY 90-MINUTE WEBINAR: How to excel as a manager working from home

We would like to offer you the opportunity (along with a work colleague, ideally a manager) to experience at first hand our complimentary 90-minute webinar 

How To Excel As A Manager Working From Home

Thursday 25th March 2021 (3.00 pm – 4.30 pm)

Click Here To Register

Many managers (and their teams) are facing lots of challenges working from home:

  • finding it hard to switch off and establish routines
  • taking longer to complete tasks
  • missing the social interaction of the office setting
  • new recruits don’t get a chance to meet new colleagues
  •  customer engagement is proving more difficult

In challenging situations this is when the best managers truly step up to the mark.

In this 90-minute webinar we will explore:

  • how to excel in your role as a manager – the skills and qualities required when working from home
  • how to motivate your team from a distance – the types of questions you need to be asking
  • how to effectively manage communication –  the frequency of your 1-1 communication and team communication
  • how to manage well-being – “this is a time, to care, about what the people you care about, care about”
  • how to hold your team accountable– with a focus on outcomes, not activity – and build a culture of trust
  • how to deal with increased levels of anxiety among your customers – stay calm, listen, be reassuring
  • how to see this as a time of opportunity – to develop new skills personally and within your team.

Relationships built now will make your team stronger in the future. 

Delivered on our Zoom platform the webinar is a great opportunity to experience at first-hand Leading Edge Leadership’s highly interactive, practical and exciting webinars with the use of features such as chat, breakout rooms, polling, short facilitated discussion, story-telling and multimedia.

This webinar is open to those in a decision making position in organisations with 50+ employees (CEO, Head of HR, Head of L&D,, HR Manager, L&D Manager etc) who would like to experience Leading Edge Leadership’s unique style of facilitation and virtual training delivery. There will be two places available in the webinar for each organisation.

We are expecting a big demand for places and have a limit of 30 attendees in the webinar.

“I can honestly say this was one of the most inspiring and meaningful training sessions I’ve had in my close to 14 years of Sales and 5 years of leadership. The webinar was delivered in such an upbeat and engaging manner. I loved the short and succinct 90-minute session and it made me realise just how powerful virtual training can be when delivered in this style.

“It has made a big difference to my thinking and I can’t wait to start putting some of these ideas into practice.:

 – Paul North, Head of Regional Sales, CityFibre

Click Here To Register

Contact Us:

Email: info@leadingedgeleadership.com

Phone: 01727 898332
Visit our website: www.leadingedgeleadership.com


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