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‘Significant changes’ in the employee-employer relationship to take action in the next decade…

A new study from Bupa UK has indicated that business leaders are the key to overcoming challenges facing employees’ health and wellbeing; whereby a vast majority believes there will be ‘significant changes’ in the employee-employer relationship over the next decade.

The topic of technology was also a big discussion point among respondents, with 91 per cent claiming technology will continue to either positively or negatively impact the wellbeing of workforces, and the standard 9am-5pm working day is a ‘thing of the past.’

Corporate director at Bupa, Patrick Watt, commented: “The pace of change many businesses are experiencing is only set to continue, and while this can feel challenging it also presents huge opportunities to engage and support people on the health issues they care about.”

He continued: “Health and wellbeing has been a business focus for many years. But by turning the latest technologies and new working patterns to an advantage, business leaders can really get a handle on improving workplace health and wellbeing.“No one business is the same, but tailored programmes that reflect and compliment working practices improves people’s health and wellbeing and ultimately business performance.”

The research comes as Bupa UK launches its new initiative ‘Boost Well’, a suite of wellbeing services, products and advice to aid business leaders to effectively support their workforces.


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