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Should we invest in something that can drive employee engagement?

Employee engagement has been a thing since the first employees were hired by the first employer.

It is not new and organisations that intend to have engaged people do not need to create anything new to make it happen.

All that’s new about it is the size of the data stack that helps us understand what engagement really is and why it matters at work.

As anyone who pays attention to the research knows, engaged employees drive business performance.  Whatever organisations seekto achieve, they deliver more, for the same or less time and money when their people are bought in.

Employee engagement is not the numbers in a survey.  Although it’s important to listen to what people are saying and collect data to understand how they feel.

It’s not driven entirely by the benefits offered or the working environment. Although they can impact.

It’s about how much people care for the work they do.

If you employ people to manage or supervise others, you have a powerful tool placed precisely where it needs to be to drive employee engagement.

Like all powerful tools, line management needs to be deployed effectively.

“Managers own up to 70% of their team’s engagement every day through every interaction.”

Adam Hickman Ph.D., VP of Vice President of Learning, Org Development, and Cast Members at Partners a Walt Disney Company.

Think about your community of line managers.

  • What percentage of them are highly effective at leading and engaging the people they manage?
  • For those that are, how many lead and engage their people well because they are the kinds of people who just do this and how many do it because they have received the right guidance, support and training?
  • And what would the impact be on your organisation if the answer to the first question was 100%?

Upskilling all managers to be engagers is neither expensive nor time-consuming. It’s about doing the right things well.  And giving your managers the support they need and deserve.

Find out more at https://themotivationagency.co.uk.

By Ian Luxford, The Motivation Agency


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