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How To Develop The Role of Women in Management and Leadership


Thursday 28th January 2021: 9.30 am – 11.00 am

By Nicola Wise and JJ Lynch (Leading Edge Leadership)

Click Here To Register

Women in many organisations have faced challenges they never thought they would over the past year or so. They have discovered a whole new meaning to juggling – work, family, home and keeping their sanity! So what can women draw from their experiences and those of key women leaders from around the world?

We would like to offer you the opportunity (along with a work colleague) to experience at first-hand our complimentary 90-minute webinar How To Develop The Role of Women in Management and Leadership on Thursday 28thJanuary, 9.30 am – 11.00 am hosted by Nicola Wise.

This 90-minute webinar provides you with some food for thought, challenging the way you, and the women in your organisation, look at their role and the future they have. The key is to identify what is the difference that will make the difference to them and their team?

What are the natural attributes that have supported the women in your organisation that can be harnessed for the future?

How have other women risen, like the phoenix from the fire, to control and manage the changes and challenges they have faced? After all, how many of these world influencers had we heard of before the events of the past twelve months brought them to the fore?

Where has the ability to lead across boundaries and without the comfort and safety of social interaction and human contact come from?

These are the lessons we will draw from during our time together on this webinar – enabling all of us to be inspired and energised to tackle whatever comes next, in whatever format.

If you are a key decision maker in HR, L&D or OD and are looking at ways to develop the role of women in management and leadership within your organisation then this complimentary webinar is ideal for you. It is a great opportunity to explore your own approach and the approach of other women within your organisation to managing and leading more effectively in these uncertain times.

In this 90-minute webinar we will learn how to play to our strengths as a woman in every situation:

  • Understand our true strengths and traits as a manager and leader
  • Develop those strengths in line with our traits as a woman
  • Support other women who work for, or with us
  • Develop our own style and have a clear plan for our future leadership and the leadership of other women within our organisation.

Delivered on our Zoom platform the webinar is a great opportunity to experience at first-hand Leading Edge Leadership’s highly interactive, practical and exciting webinars with the use of features such as chat, breakout rooms, polling, short facilitated discussion, story-telling and multimedia.

This webinar is open to those in a decision-making position in organisations with 50+ employees (CEO, Head of HR, Head of L&D, HR Manager, L&D Manager etc) who would like to experience Leading Edge Leadership’s unique style of facilitation and virtual training delivery. There will be two places available in the webinar for each organisation.

We are expecting a big demand for places and have a limit of 20 organisations in the webinar.

REGISTER HERE for the complimentary webinar:- https://leadingedgeleadership.com/complimentary-offer/


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