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How do you develop Emotional Intelligence in Leaders?

There are many definitions of “EQ” but the core elements are recognised as Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness and Relationship Management.

These soft skills are hard to measure, but leaders who are genuinely trusted by their teams, and who inspire and motivate others almost always have these qualities. If you ask their colleagues to explain why they are great leaders, they’ll likely tell you they are clear communicators, that they have empathy, are authentic, curious and adaptable.

But this Emotional Intelligence is hard to “teach” in a classroom.

That’s why at Impact Coaching, we design and deliver unique experiential programmes that take leaders out of the office to develop their Emotional Intelligence by interacting with horses.

Why Horses?!

Horses respond only to your non-verbal communication. They way they behave when you step into their space and request to be their leader is a direct refection of how you are perceived by others in the workplace. 

They show you what it’s like to be led by you, what your communication skills are like and how well you can influence others. 

They also reveal all of your blocks, your inhibitions and vulnerability and whether you can regulate your emotions.

The resulting self-awareness for those in positions of leadership is profound. 

The horses then provide a unique opportunity for leaders to practice new behaviours and witness in the moment, the difference it makes to the outcome. 

This is directly relatable to how your behaviour and approach affects those around you in the workplace. 

This is not role-play or online learning. This is real life and half a ton of horse telling you  – without judgement just what it’s like to be led by you! 

The Outcome?

  • A new found self-awareness and empathy for others 
  • Enhanced listening and communication skills
  • An ability to read a room and respond accordingly
  • An ability to regulate emotions and manage stress
  • New ideas on how to influence and inspire others
  • The courage to be authentic at work

To find out more, please Download a Programme Brochure here



m: 07717573354


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