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Delays and rising prices prompting commuters to ’re-think’ work travel…

More than half of UK workers are re-thinking their travel arrangements for 2017 as widely reported train faults, delays and rising prices have created a negative impact on commuters this past year. With the TUC estimating the average daily commute takes anywhere from 55 to 90 minutes, Regus, the flexible working solutions provider, found as a result of its survey of 1,700 professionals that 58 per cent are […]

Cost of running DB schemes up by a third year-on-year…

The Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association has found that costs for operating defined benefit (DB) schemes have increased by 37 per cent in one year.   According to the 42nd annual survey of 218 fund members conducted by the association between June and July this year, the mean running cost of DB schemes has risen from […]

EAPs ‘a missed opportunity’ to build on performance and productivity…

The use of Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) services are ‘a missed opportunity’ for building on productivity and performance in the new era of digital working, a new report conducted by Lancaster University’s The Work Foundation and the UK Employee Assistance Professionals Association (UK EAPA) indicates. Carried out among 88 organisations, nine per cent of HR […]

Domestic & General introduces reward and recognition initiative…

An employee reward and recognition has been launched by the appliance care provider, Domestic & General to motivate all employees in the run up to Christmas. Set to run until January, the ‘People First During Peak’ initiative aims to provide support by offering incentives such as pay-day socials, discounted cinema tickets and a range activities […]

Is the UK suffering from employee benefits inequality?

The Future of Work research study commissioned by Grass Roots Employee Solutions has revealed that employee benefits inequality exists within UK companies, estimating 35 per cent of employees not receiving any benefits or rewards from their employers, and male senior full-time workers claiming to get far more than their colleagues. Although 90 per cent of […]

LinkedIn introduces ‘unlimited holiday’ for its employees…

This week has seen the news that professional networking site LinkedIn will be introducing unlimited holiday for its US employees, from 1 November onwards. The social media organisation, which currently employs 8,700 full-time staff worldwide including more than 6,000 in the US, is changing its holiday policy in line with one of its core values: […]

Rewards and benefits to be more ‘personalised’ in 2016…

A major survey by the Reward & Employee Benefits Association (REBA) reveals reward and benefit packages offered to UK employees will become increasingly personalised in 2016. The research highlighted a shift toward individual responsibility, a move that is expected to translate to a huge rise in home technology, such as laptops and tablets, offered through […]