Guest Blog, Karim Peer: The link between financial health and wellbeing in the workplace…

Recognising the importance of workplace wellbeing is rightfully a significant topic of conversation at the moment. With products that are intrinsically linked to the wellbeing of employees; such as gym membership, private healthcare and insurance policies regularly advertised across mainstream media, they have now moved to an expected status rather than a preference. Numerous studies […]
Industry Spotlight: Will Brexit create further employment limitations for disabled people?

According to the diversity consultancy, The Clear Company – a contributor to the government’s Disability Confident campaign which was created in July 2014 – employment opportunities for disabled people in the UK are likely to come under further threat unless the government ‘prioritises the recreation of EU safeguards into British statute’. In regards to employment, […]
Forum Insight: The hidden costs of exhibiting at trade shows…

Without the knowledge of other costs involved, the £2000 stand you’ve just booked at your industry trade show looks like a really inexpensive way of generating new business. But is it really justifiable? Assuming you have just bought a stand and shell scheme, you will still need to consider the following costs: Show services such […]
Employers divided over creativity and ROI of wellness strategies…

Research from the Reward and Employee Benefits Association (REBA) has found that, even with 49 per cent of UK firms currently offering financial advice and education schemes for employees, 18 per cent are reluctant to ever offer such services. The organisation’s ‘Employee Wellness Research 2016’ report also found that 69 per cent of firms with a wellness programme plan in place currently have either a tobacco or alcohol use policy in […]
Voucherbox: Working Brits pass up on £650 of paid holiday every year…

According to a survey conducted by the money-saving site,, an approximate nine out of ten British workers failed to take their full holiday allowance last year; with almost one in 20 missing out on more than ten days of paid leave. The study, which looked at British workers’ annual leave entitlement, also found that […]
M&S criticised for recent benefit cuts and increased basic pay initiative…

Joining retailers such as Morrisons, B&Q and Tesco in their choices to either make cuts on employee benefit packages or basic pay, Marks & Spencer is now being criticised for its reported decision to remove premiums of approximately 10 per cent of its shop floor workers, with plans on reducing bank holiday payments and the […]