andpartnership’s Hybrid Leadership Development Programme – A simple yet powerful approach!

By andpartnership Our award-winning leadership programme is available as a truly blended virtual product. We have fully adapted the programme to ensure leaders are equipped for hybrid working. It is fully customisable to suit your organisation’s unique requirements and includes: Online pre and post questionnaires to benchmark and provide ROI and impact evaluation. Facilitated virtual workshops with interactive elements such as […]
Is hybrid working a risk to effective employee relations?

By Michael Campbell, Commercial Director, AdviserPlus The COVID-19 pandemic helped set the stage for a global work-from-home experiment. While the initial adjustment period of remote working was challenging, for the most part workers have now embraced more flexible working arrangements. As a result, there are increasing expectations for employers to consider adopting a hybrid working model, […]
Technology provides the key to managing stress in the workplace through the pandemic and beyond

By Medicash The Covid-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on the mental health and wellbeing of workers across all industries. For many it has changed how they work forever. There has been no business, no sector, no country across the globe that has been able to remain unaffected. April is Stress Awareness Month and […]