Employee Benefits: Measure, learn and adapt
By Alan Fergusson, Managing Director, Beneficia Going back to the CIPD Reward Management- Focus on Employee Benefits Survey (in conjunction with LCP- https://www.cipd.co.uk/Images/reward-management-infographic2018_tcm18-51566.pdf) at the end of 2018 , I was reminded of a statistic within there the other day when reading another article. The subsequent article which I shared on Linkedin was about The Gym […]
Why Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Stress
Stress is now having a huge impact on companies as it become the number one reason for days off sick. In 2017/18, a staggering 15.4 million working days were lost because of stress and anxiety. This is costing businesses millions of pounds due to a decrease in productivity. With the busy lives we lead now, trying […]