Pensionsync research indicates 50% error rate in small firm pension data

As all UK employers have set up a pension scheme for their staff and started to contribute, workers will be building towards a better retirement. This is great news. But there are some worrying signs that all is not well underneath the positive headlines. Shocking 50% error rates revealed by new statistics: pensionsync has analysed […]
Regular training ‘vital to furthering career’, say UK workers

Ninety per cent of UK workers believe that regular training in a job is vital to furthering their career, according to a new report. A survey of over 2,000 British employees – carried out on behalf of Staff Skills Training – also revealed that 42 per cent ‘strongly agree’ that regular training is important. For […]
UK workers ‘not given the flexibility and support they need’

A third of UK workers believe they are not given the flexibility and support they need to do their job properly, according to a YouGov survey commissioned by MHR. The survey of 1174 UK employees, which questioned their true thoughts about their employers and company culture, found that 32% of employees don’t receive the option […]