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Bradfield HR: Why your business needs a social event policy…

The holiday season is in full swing, and for many businesses the highlight of the corporate calendar is looming – the annual Christmas party. The festive period sees people relax their boundaries when it comes to several elements in which they usually apply self-control. Whether that’s the money they spend, the calories they consume, alcohol […]

BME teachers facing endemic racism, says NASUWT…

Twice the number of black and minority ethnic (BME) teachers (31 per cent) compared to their white counterparts are reported to have experienced discrimination in the workplace in the last 12 months, according to research from NASUWT.  The union states their ‘Annual Big Question’ survey shows “widespread inequality of treatment” and affirms that such discrimination is risking BME presence in the teacher workforce, which is already under-represented in […]

Forum Insight: 10 ways to succeed at networking events…

Walking into an event room full of people you don’t know can be a scary experience. However, there are proven ways to conquer this fear and make networking an enjoyable and a useful process to do business. Here, we share 10 of the best practices to eradicate those networking nerves. Plan ahead: Try to obtain […]